RC2024/10 Report #4

Hello friends! This is my fourth Retro Challenge RC2024/10 report.

Given the problems described in past reports, I took the decision regarding which platform to use during prototyping.

Searching through my development boards, I found a Daisy Pod that is basically a breakout board for the Daisy Seed. It includes a single core STM32H7, which is more powerful than the STM32G4 series I plan to use, but should be OK for a working prototype. The board also includes an external codec, which is something I was not willing to use, but I may give a try.

Development Setup

I'm not a big fan of the Daisy platform, due to both the technical (the noise level is kinda high, at least in my unit) and political reasons (the platform is not truly open hardware, and they use the official ST USB middleware, which is not open source). Let's see how far I can go until these issues bother me enough.

That's it for now!

Stay tuned!